GAP Certifications


Acquisition of Global GAP Certification

GLOBALG.A.P. is a global brand given to excellent companies that practice
"sustainable production activities" with consideration for food safety, labor environment, and environmental preservation.

Global G.A.P. is a worldwide brand given to excellent companies that practice “sustainable production activities” with consideration for food safety, labor environment, and environmental conservation.

We have been working on this certification for 10 years prior to obtaining it, and obtained K-GAP certification from Kagoshima Prefecture in 2007, Aeon GAP in 2009, Global GAP in 2014, and JGAP in 2023. The biggest hurdle was, of course, Global GAP, where we had to think and work out all the details for each of the 200 checkpoints by ourselves, such as creating documents and posters for each of the 200 checkpoints, improving the environment in the work area and restrooms, and making improvements in case of non-conformity.
However, the benefits of certification are beyond our expectations. First, by creating internal rules and providing education, each employee became more aware of safety and health issues, and the atmosphere within the company changed. By clarifying previously ambiguous work procedures and management methods, and by improving internal practices through the examination of third-party experts, potential risks were greatly reduced.

The company has also improved its ability to disclose information by keeping records and evidence, and is now working to reduce the environmental impact of its farming operations. Global GAP certification is more significant in the development of the company’s safety infrastructure than for sales.

GAP acquisition status of Osaki Farm

2007 Obtained K-GAP certification (radish, leaf leek, cabbage)
2009 Obtained Aeon GAP certification
2014 Obtained Global GAP certification (daikon radish and leafy green onion)
2023 Obtained JGAP certification (cabbage); ongoing renewal to date
Registration number

Acquisition of K-GAP certification

In order to ensure consumer confidence and trust in Kagoshima Prefecture's agricultural, forestry, and fishery products,
this system examines and certifies farmers' efforts to manage their production processes based on standards designed to ensure safety and security.

Kagoshima Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Certification System

<Category certified in June 2019>
Leaf Leeks Item name: “Leaf onion” Number of certifications: 15
K-GAP Meister
Shipment period this year: Year-round
Main destinations: In-prefecture 60
Out of prefecture: Kanto (20%), Kansai (20%)
Estimated quantity to be shipped: 162 tons
Distributors: Daiwa, Taiyo, Daiei, Yamagata-ya
<Certified Items in December, 2008>
Certified Items in December, 2008
Certified Items
Item name “Radish” Number of certifications: 11
K-GAP Meister
Item name “Cabbage” Number of times certified: 9